Mommy and Me Mini Session 2020

February 23, 2020

I have two little boys who are growing up WAY too fast and who I don't have nearly enough photographs of....I should be more specific.  I don't have nearly enough photographs with ME in the photos with THEM.  Moms are the family's natural visual storytellers.  We take all of the photos, organize the photo albums or books, remember to get prints made of our favorite photographs of the kids and their most recent adventures to put up on the wall or fridge, but so often we are left out of those photographs.  Well, I say, with hands on hips, head held high, and with a ton of conviction, "NO MORE!" :)  It is time for moms to get in those photographs with our little ones.  Don't wait to find the perfect dress, to lose those pounds, to find a more convenient time. Your kids won't/don't care about any of that!  When their our age, all they'll want to have is a photograph of them with their gorgeous mama, cuddling and loving on them.  Pinky promise. 

One of the things I love most to photograph are mamas and their littles together, smiling, cuddling, making memories that they'll all miss in 10, 20 years time.  So it's not surprise that, as Mother's Day approaches, I get so excited about doing my annual Mommy and Me sessions.  Every year, I feel like my style changes and grows, and I love using what I've learned over the past year to make these sessions better and better, and this year is no exception.  This past weekend, I was able to get my gorgeously sweet and amazing friend, Sam, and her two littles to come out and model for me, so I could show you all this year's (indoor) set up, and I am so thrilled with the memories and mood we were able to capture.  

This year's Mommy and Me sessions will happen both inside and outside, so moms (or dads/significant others who want to purchase a really awesome gift for said mom for Mother's Day!) have choices.  The outdoor sessions will still include this gorgeous chair and will be some place close by, but I have to wait until spring arrives before I can pick the perfect spot.  The session is boho themed with lots of neutrals and greenery and it makes for such a lovely and cozy vibe.  I love it, and I hope you do to!  Contact me at [email protected] or you can contact me on facebook at to book your session today! (Only 10 spots are available so book asap!)  See Sam's session below!


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